Educational assessment

for adolescents (12-24 years)

An educational or learning assessment measures the academic skills of a child regarding reading, comprehension, oral language, spelling, and mathematics. It includes a cognitive assessment, adaptive skills testing, assessment of specific learning disabilities, and screening for other conditions such as ADHD and Autism. In addition, feedback from teachers will be sought and a review of school-related documents will be undertaken in the assessment.

This assessment helps pinpoint underlying issues causing academic struggles, whether in one or multiple subjects. It also aids in identifying other factors behind unusual behaviours like aggression, self-harm, or defiance, encompassing thoughts and beliefs. An educational assessment can help teachers and school counsellors to provide individualised support for the student at school and can be used to apply for extra funding for additional support as well.

Teenager banging her head against the b

Face-to-face interactions*

1-3 hours clinical interview & administration

4 hours of psychometric testing & observation

1 hour feedback on assessment outcome

* The time frames above are only a general estimate, as less or more time may be needed for the assessments. Your psychologist will discuss what is needed for your individual circumstances.


Psychometric tests used*

Conners, 4th Edition (Conners-IV)

Behaviour Assessment System for Children, 3rd Edition (BASC-3)

WHO Disability Assessment Schedule, 2nd Edition (WHODAS-2)

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th Edition: Australian and New Zealand Standardised Edition (WISC-5)

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 4th Edition (WAIS-IV)

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 3rd Edition (WIAT-III)

Woodcock Johnson, 4th Edition (WJ-IV)

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 3rd Edition (Vineland-3)

The Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System, 3rd Edition (ABAS-3)

Plus: review of school reports and other related materials

* These tests are used by us regularly for diagnosis and may or may not be applicable in your individual circumstances. Your psychologist will discuss this with you in your first session.



Comprehensive diagnostic report

Feedback session to explain the findings and explore further support options

The Assessment process

Find out more about how the general assessment process works and what is involved at each step. Your psychologist will take you through this in your first session and based on your individual circumstances.

Get in touch now

Whether you’re ready to proceed or have questions, reach out to us first. Feel free to ask us anything about getting a diagnosis and if it’s appropriate for your situation.